
Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter (Dust) Bunnies

I hosted an Easter egg hunt for the kids on our block yesterday.  When I originally invited the neighbors over, several of us moms were standing in our front yards turning to face the spring sun, twisting like sunflowers to catch the warmth on our faces.  I envisioned the kids racing across three or four yards, searching under bushes, in flower beds, and on top of porch railings to find eggs cleverly hidden while their families breakfasted.  Instead, the forecast called for chill winds and rain, and we moved the festivities inside.

This, of course, meant I had to clean the house so the adults could stand around guarding their coffee cups while children zipped by in a frenzy intermittently fueled by sugar in various forms. And on Saturday, as I marshalled my cleaning troops, I came to the most unfortunate of realizations: when hiding Easter eggs, one has to clean the spots usually hidden.  So, for Easter, I replaced all my dust bunnies with candy-filled eggs.  And after having ten kids running madly around the house is, again, a comfortable mess.  But at least it's still clean under my couch.

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