
Monday, December 21, 2009


I'm sitting in my kitchen/office, sniffling from a perpetual stuffy head. My butt is cold after throwing the ball for the dog outside for twenty minutes. I have Pandora playing a random mix of alt/indie rock kinda loud, and a long list of to-dos circling in my head. Violet and our neighbor girl are playing cheerleader upstairs, and a quilt I made! is finishing up in the dryer, ready for a photo shoot before becoming an everyday item on Violet's bed. Sam is getting muddy and learning a random collection of football rules from the neighborhood boys (and one intrepid girl). Will's off at a challenging job which leaves him tired but enthusiastic. Christmas presents are piling up under the tree and, not coincidentally, the guest room is incrementally cleaner. And I am content, although I need to go blow my nose, again.